Selfish gene theory suggests that genes evolve primarily through natural selection due to their replication capabilities being enhanced.
The area evolved primarily after 1855, when it became the final stop of the first railway line of New South Wales.
However Lockes ideas evolved primarily around the concept of the right to seek salvation for one's soul, and was thus primarily concerned with theological matters.
While it evolved primarily as a basis for chords, the harmonic minor with its augmented second is sometimes used melodically.
Pearson asserted that "Teichmann's position evolved primarily in response to the Left".
Westchester is unusual in that independent living evolved primarily under the entrance fee model, he said.
Answer guide: Accrual accounting methods primarily evolved from the need to report historical events for internal and external users of accounting information.
The apes, however, are all forest-dwelling specialists while man evolved primarily in open country as a savannah animal.
Lioy's reputation evolved primarily based upon his role is developing scientific principles and refining the approaches that define the field of exposure science.
It evolved primarily in colonial Maryland and Virginia from the hall and parlor house, beginning to appear in greater numbers by about 1700.