Vision in specific bandwidths was the sort of evolutionary trait that showed up only where it was needed.
The combination of this potential evolutionary trait and language-based exact arithmetic may be the reason that humans are able to do advanced mathematics like physics.
Thus, it is conceivable that evolutionary selected traits could become maladaptive proceeding neurological dysfunction.
It is a theory of Charles Darwin that certain evolutionary traits can be explained by competition within a species.
The duality of the human condition rests with cultural uniqueness and evolutionary traits.
Males were in charge of hunting, and presumably through this activity developed important evolutionary traits, such as increased brain size.
Today, biologists would say that certain evolutionary traits can be explained by competition between members of the same species.
This development may have led to the evolution of a more robust ribcage, a key evolutionary trait of land living creatures.
These were evolutionary traits, traits passed down since the caveman days, and neither gender had much control over them.
They may be just artefacts of our complex brains and its attendant evolutionary traits.