He led the "evolutionary" tendency in tango which was perceived as tending to concert music than traditional dance music.
"A species is a lineage of ancestral descendant populations which maintains its identity from other such lineages and which has its own evolutionary tendencies and historical fate."
Lewis Thomas said that there's an evolutionary tendency on the part of the species to be useful.
It has been speculated that the laws of physics show a similar evolutionary tendency - though if they do evolve, it is at a much less rapid rate than those of magic.
It has been argued that this may be a result of our evolutionary tendencies to favor individuals who are most likely to aid in our own survival.
"You've written that there is an evolutionary tendency on the part of species to live longer."
Coalitional psychology (CP) is presented as another alternative to TMT, which proposes that there is an evolutionary tendency to seek safety in groups (coalitions) as a reaction to adaptive threats.
"Ah: you were consciously extending the evolutionary tendency inherent in Being; one manifestation of which is exploration."
Many, like Peter Kropotkin, also believe that human evolutionary tendency is for humans to cooperate with each other for mutual benefit and survival instead of existing as lone competitors.
Study of various evolutionary tendencies.