It is one of the 300 fossils found to date that hint at the evolutionary link between birds and dinosaurs.
The eggs were supposed to reveal the evolutionary links between reptiles and birds but their collection nearly killed the journey's participants.
Anthropologists believe they may have found the evolutionary link between chimpanzees and humans, at the dawn of man's development.
The study found that the two evolutionary links to Africa were clearly imprinted in the genes of people today.
The clouded leopard is considered to form an evolutionary link between the big cats and the small cats.
"This may be the missing evolutionary link for plants."
It shows the evolutionary link between reptiles and birds.
Historically it was one of the first to show science the evolutionary link between fish and amphibians.
It is thought to be an evolutionary link between Roman belt devices and the modern belt buckle.
It is the evolutionary link between land-dwelling mammals and the modern whale.