Ryan Wallace's atmospheric works evoke meditative qualities that fluctuate between angst and serenity.
Many other early studies seem almost totally abstract and a number suggest a synthesis of landscape elements that evokes qualities found in Asian art.
They exercise a freedom of technique with emphasis on exploitation of the physical character of the paint to evoke expressive qualities (violence, lyricism, etc.)
The names often evoke certain positive qualities of the area and suggest a coherent tourism experience to visitors.
We can evoke particular qualities of feeling as we choose, drawing from our own emotional resources.
A more representative rendering would evoke qualities of intellectual distinction and lucid craftsmanship we have yet to integrate into our picture of the composer.
The characters evoke elemental qualities that Mr. Tomasson has kept in mind.
"What I get excited about is games that evoke artistic or literary qualities," he said.
Mazda conceived the Miata with the American market in mind, taking pains to evoke qualities the company believed would appeal to American consumers.
Yoga opens chakras and evokes positive qualities associated with a particular chakra.