Yes, 10 - including the Great Victoria and the evocatively named Great Sandy.
The favourite explanation seems to be the evocatively named "Spanish plume".
With feet spread wide and knees flexed, they glide through a series of slow, controlled movements, such as the evocatively named "Wave Hands Like Clouds."
(The death-spiral convertible is another, also evocatively named.)
In Brooklyn, he joins up with his cousin - evocatively named Clay - to produce heroic comic books with daring tales of escape.
Mr. Huang's evocatively named lawyer, Ty Cobb, was doing his job when he floated the immunity offer.
In this system, molecules from E. coli flow through an evocatively named "lagoon" filled with phage.
What started as a deal to sell 200-threadcount sheets and evocatively named paints has expanded to include lawn furniture, baby clothes and even closet organizers.
The most evocatively named monster, Obnoxious Celtic Guardian, makes a regrettably brief appearance.
Just watch Ms. Berlin's character, evocatively named Frosty Moons, when a highfalutin young director tells her to be "at once shy and confident."