Her evocative writings drew her fans to undiscovered but enticing worlds.
Sadly, the evocative writing that illuminates Ben Jr.'s travails isn't found elsewhere in the book.
Delightful and evocative writing; it makes me feel a little homesick.
This is a determined stab at evocative writing, but what does it actually mean?
In a novel notable for its prose, some of the most evocative writing is reserved for descriptions of the two cities.
I caught a flavor of Hamsun, Sartre, Genet and Kafka in Stasiuk's scalpel-like but evocative writing.
I think he has never forgotten that he is a journalist," Mr. Landesman said, "and he's provided some of the most vivid and evocative writing on record.
The immigrants' evocative writing on the walls is preserved in only a few tiny areas on the original dark paint.
"We're so accustomed to the heavy jargon of psychoanalytic journals," said Dr. Coles, "that we sometimes don't know what to think when confronted with such elegant and evocative writing."
There is moral ambivalence here, as well as "a great deal of precise, evocative writing," Bruce Bawer wrote in the Book Review last year.