At the base of each face were four allegorical sculpture groups with evocative titles.
A master of lingering, evocative titles, Williams constantly renamed and rewrote his plays.
Wishing his choreography to speak for itself, Balanchine discarded the evocative title in 1973.
It is mildly disappointing, however, that given the book's evocative title, Zahares has disregarded its meaning.
Critics generally ignored it, while Pacific 231 and Rugby, with more evocative titles, have been written about in depth.
Certainly, the evocative titles of her works point to a strong visual orientation.
Yeats's paintings usually bear poetic and evocative titles.
To the Editor: I sometimes have the sacrilegious thought that some Balanchine ballets titled after their scores might have benefited from more evocative titles.
One can wonder what truncated titles would be fashioned these days from the older, more evocative titles of plays of the past.