He was particularly noted for his vivid and evocative style.
His evocative style is one that thoroughly rivets my imagination and stirs my senses.
Mr. Schuman began as a musical conservative, writing in a style deliberately evocative of American images.
The five members jury had given the award for "its poetic, evocative and uncompromising style reflecting the moods of contemporary India."
For his evocative style of writing.
Gothic is an evocative style for churches, but despite Walpole's efforts it is ill-adapted to houses.
But Ms. Narahashi grew up in this country and developed her fresh and evocative style here.
These excesses are, perhaps, the necessary pitfalls of a richly evocative style.
Victoriana refers to items or material from the Victorian period (1837-1901), especially those particularly evocative of the design style and outlook of the time.
Pasternak's superbly evocative style is equal to the grandeur of his theme.