Mr. Furuhashi's background in performance and theater is apparent in this modest but evocative piece.
It is one of the most original and evocative pieces in the show.
Such images, say the authors, "are among the most beautiful and evocative pieces of cosmic artwork we can imagine."
The most evocative pieces confront the aftermath of destruction in reliquary forms.
Powerfully evocative piece, I feel more bored now for having read it.
"Circle Dogs" is an evocative piece of writing that would be a joy to read aloud to a child.
This vast amount of content has been slowly distilled into a set of particularly evocative pieces of music.
It is a naturalistic and evocative piece of work, made all the more striking by the lifelike portraits of the executed men.
It s a wonderfully evocative piece headlined, appropriately enough, Bourbon and Bluegrass.
They are some of the most challenging and evocative pieces of all the works in concert piano repertoire.