The evocative language of this novel supports the improbably successful grasp at happiness of a newly met middle-aged couple.
Both novels catch the daily rhythms of the kibbutz in concrete, evocative language.
Christopher Driver's thoughts on the evocative and bizarre language of food description.
Back to top 3/3 Christopher Driver's thoughts on the evocative and bizarre language of food description.
He smiled with remembered fondness and, opening the book at random, soon lost himself in the rich, evocative language.
The poem is a masterpiece of onomatopoeia, employing some of the most clever and evocative language ever used to describe a natural feature.
She describes events she did not witness, often in vivid and evocative language which is ill-suited to the actual person telling the story.
Savoring the novel's evocative language and imagery, one often longs to hear passages read aloud.
More Groups to Offend Hold on there, a black student shot back, though in much more evocative language.
The author uses evocative language and intense images to convey a sense of the marvelous and mysterious.