I have told you of an evil tyrant," Christopher continued, "a spiritual entity who has held the world in chains.
The evil tyrant caused havoc in the three worlds.
This is not the first time an evil tyrant was deposed only to have bloody elements of his regime remain.
Here, he will have to help a young princess and her two pretty ninja bodyguards escape from the castle of an evil tyrant.
"But I'm the evil tyrant who holds your life in his hands, so to speak."
However, Periander was later considered the typical evil tyrant (for example, by Aristotle).
Another evil tyrant has perished, but what will replace him?
Soon an evil tyrant threatens the peace and harmony of once such a proud city.
Now it's true that the war removed an evil tyrant.
However the evil tyrant has instead invaded Earth, so Clark gets to come back.