This monkey, which was of a large size, evidently belonged to the first order of the quadrumana.
It evidently belongs to the later phase of the mine, being first mentioned in the 1840s.
These horses evidently belonged to the three men, who wee dressed as cavaliers.
Although some players like to challenge it, Wolff evidently belongs in the camp of those who respect it.
That room had evidently belonged to the former marquis, and was unused at the moment.
In my account I have of course concentrated on these early forms, which belong so evidently, in manner and air, with the narrative itself.
All titles of his plays evidently belong to Middle Comedy.
After following a few twisty passages, the girl reached a stairway that had evidently belonged to an old house.
It had evidently belonged to a people very much like Kator's own kind.
A shiny new robot, evidently belonging to them, stood nearby.