The opinions of the opinion makers were evidently based mainly on previously held positions on the nomination, not on inside information.
A number of places around the world today are named Hernando's Hideaway, evidently based on the popularity of the song.
This is evidently based on the later significance of the word "berit," meaning circumcision.
Speaking of opera houses, he had had something else to say on April 22, 1942, evidently based on misinformation.
Both evidently based on aerial photographs, the first features a long white building, the second a cluster of smaller edifices with pink roofs.
The nuggets of real criticism are those views which are evidently based on personal reactions and responses.
In 1849 William wrote a pamphlet for prospective emigrants to Australia, evidently based on his personal experience.
It's evidently based on a Sean Hannity wet dream.
But the preliminary reports were evidently based on presumption and small-town panic.