This research by Roger Brown provided the first evidence showing that children could use syntax to infer meaning from newly encountered words.
Moreover, they said the trailer's hardware presented no direct evidence of weapons use.
No evidence that he used it at the time.
The evidence of this used to be found in the bathrooms; the south tower had urinals but the north tower did not.
Several reports have been published looking for evidence of a weapon focus effect using records of actual criminal events.
Often used as a generic term for all activities yielding evidence relevant to course quality.
More to the point, the committee uncovered no evidence linking Palmeiro to steroids use before the hearing.
The book contains circumstantial evidence of cyclist Lance Armstrong having used performance enhancing drugs.
The garbage again contained evidence of narcotics use.
"Furthermore," I raved on, "you have no evidence or probable cause to use as a basis for taking me into custody."