The evidence offered consists of statistical abnormalities in the differences between exit poll results and actual votes registered at those locations.
So all the necessary evidence, as well as the next ten years of your life, are now in my possession-and I am offering you a trade.
A small skiff awaited her there, further evidence of the discreet services Theresa offered.
The missing forensic evidence offered the jury very strong reasonable doubt.
So far, the evidence offered publicly against Mr. Hekmatyar has been virtually nonexistent.
Alternate and photographic evidence, however, offer the following dates of rank.
Archaeological evidence, oral history and historical documents can offer insights into past changes in the climate.
But once the money is disbursed, only anecdotal evidence offers much of a clue whether the city is getting value for money or not.
According to Mr. Degnan, the evidence offered was statistically dubious, being based on soft data, speculation and interviews with leading questions.
Recent evidence, Mr. Dannemeyer said, offers the "inference that somebody is being discriminated against" within the bureau.