The first evidence of Cranach's skill as an artist comes in a picture dated 1504.
It looked authentic, but evidently it was a golem; this was an impressive evidence of the woman's skill.
That Balzac was able to balance the strength of the individual against the representation of the type is evidence of the author's skill.
WHAT happened next was further evidence of Leon's skill, plus luck.
But they're not simply further evidence of the author's skill.
She did not stay long enough to give further evidence of her great skill, but returned home immediately.
The "Wonderful Tunnel" it was called, evidence of its inventor's skill and daring.
But the blunt characterizations and the emphatic emotional cues are also evidence of the director's skill.
The bequests in Newsam's will confirm the evidence of his skill afforded by this clock.
Although tonight's wartime photographs make their own case against the Swiss, they are evidence mainly of the producers' skill in putting together a strong documentary.