The first thing to strike you is its evidence, drawn from various points over the past decade, of the rich variety of Willy Barrett's talent.
This thesis is contradicted by rarely cited internal evidence drawn from the Constitution itself.
It is crucial that dating a context is based on the latest dating evidence drawn from the context.
Nibley has also been criticized for his use of evidence drawn from widely disparate cultures and time periods without proper qualification.
But they provide the first evidence not drawn from the Montana cabin or the bombing scenes that might connect him to the attacks.
The historical and comparative evidence, as well as the evidence drawn from our own society, presents many difficulties in the way of reaching any clear decisions on these matters.
Agents assigned to the case along with forensic analysts are pursuing evidence drawn from the letters, like the envelope, the ink and paper, the handwriting and the anthrax itself.
Now, at the end of the 1990s, with the evidence drawn mainly from old movies and old sitcoms, '50s fashion is similarly ripe for reductive contempt.
Indeed, they say that evidence recently drawn from cores of ancient polar ice and ocean sediments show that past climates have already done just that.
Their research was based on primary evidence drawn from archival records and interviews, as well as a combination of interpretative and quantitative analysis.