Firmer evidence documenting continued cultural transitions comes from two late-fourteenth century gravestones from Minye Tujoh in North Sumatra, each with Islamic inscriptions but in Indian-type characters and the other Arabic.
Only a few military leaders were punished, and reams of evidence documenting cruelties by the Japanese military were quietly boxed and returned to Japan.
They presented mountains of evidence documenting Miss Kenedy's spending habits, as well as bank books and stock records that, they said, showed she received $125,000 and a mansion in Corpus Christi for her share.
Similarly, historical accounts of Hals' propensity for drink have been largely based on embellished anecdotes of his early biographers, namely Arnold Houbraken, with no direct evidence existing documenting such.
As for the Bosnian Muslims, the film says there is ample evidence documenting Bosnians' alliance with Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda network.
The site has been dated to 5850 years before the present, and it contains significant evidence documenting prehistoric technology, subsistence practices and social organization over the course of several centuries.
But those questions do not alter the mountain of evidence documenting natural selection's reality or its importance.
The wealth of anecdotes and legends attached to Corelli contrasts with the relative paucity of truly reliable contemporary evidence documenting events in his life.
The New York State Archives was established in 1971 to preserve and make accessible recorded evidence documenting New York State's history, governments, events, and peoples from the 17th century to the present.
To win federal recognition, the tribe would have to submit evidence documenting its history, membership criteria and governing procedures; once all the evidence was in, the process could take several years, officials said.