The corpus of evidence amassed by Russo will make it very hard for even the most sceptical reader to continue to treat the Hellenistic world so dismissively.
Court documents unsealed today traced a wealth of evidence amassed during the nearly yearlong investigation.
The broad conspiracy charges brought by Lawrence E. Walsh, the special prosecutor, otherwise contain little new information about the Iran-contra affair beyond the evidence amassed by the Congressional committees last year.
Detective Lee immediately confronted Detective Gaw, wanting a share of the money, according to evidence amassed by investigators.
The evidence amassed in the shock therapists' favor ranges from the overnight end to hyperinflation in post-World War I Germany to the mass privatization of industry in the Czech Republic over the last year.
And today the court acknowledged that some of the evidence amassed against him had been collected illegally and, in some cases, was even fabricated.
A1 William J. McCarthy sought help from Mafia leaders to obtain a high post in the teamsters' union four years before he was elected president, according to evidence amassed by Federal authorities.
Placing great importance on applying the scientific evidence amassed through research, Dr. Colditz has taken the lead on a number of large health communication projects, including the development of the long-running, popular health risk assessment, Your Disease Risk.
With those concluded, the judge refused to release one of the original lawyers, noting that he was familiar with the 25 volumes of evidence amassed in the case.
The Cambodian Foreign Minister disagreed and said the Cambodian courts planned to use the evidence amassed with the support of the United States by the Cambodian Documentation Center in its quest for a "transparent and fair trial."