These people need to be evicted from our land.
When the farmers refused to comply with this demand, they were evicted from their land.
Families were evicted from their generations-held land.
The move shocked homeowners and business people, who envisioned themselves being evicted from their land or forced to become the tenants of the Oneidas.
Pygmies are often evicted from their land and given the lowest paying jobs.
Did you know that Irish people fled to America, because they were evicted from their own land by British authorities?
The landless farmers and those who were evicted from their land wanted to get their grievances redressed.
There are some suggestion by various commission in different states, to provide rehabilitation for whom evicted from their own land.
No Environmental Impact Assessment has been done so far, but villagers are already evicted from their land and properties for the new port.
And human rights are not respected in this country where white farmers are evicted from their land.