But his images are drawn from his memories and everyday observations of Ocotlan, the country town where he grew up and now lives.
If this everyday observation is accurate, what is happening in referential communication tasks?
Perrotta's students are worth overhearing - not only in their moments of crisis, but for their everyday observations too.
In some specific fields of science the results of observation differ depending on factors which are not important in everyday observation.
What is more, everyday observation strongly suggests that an even bigger share of high school graduates is now falling into jobs once assigned to dropouts.
In a 1996 interview, Mr. Kuralt said his father had first instructed him in the skill of meaningful, everyday observation.
The works of Ptolemy (astronomy) and Galen (medicine) were found not always to match everyday observations.
He wrote many poems and tracts based on his everyday observations of contemporary Victorian and Edwardian rural life.
Its full of the sort of everyday observations that many marketers overlook from their insider perspective.