We also provide a range of practical information about everyday living, such as how to use local transport.
Demands of everyday living are much more complex for teenagers in this day and age.
"Is she really sitting in a jail cell writing a column about everyday living?"
Nor that there is a prolonged "twilight" period in the lives of many old people when they need help with everyday living.
In the meantime, social workers and officials say they are just trying to help homeless people with the tasks of everyday living.
As a resident, I support the plan because it is exactly right for everyday living in our community.
Psychologists help people deal with problems of everyday living.
"All these practices are designed to help us bring clear attention and an open heart and mind into our everyday living."
They were able to show me what to do just in everyday living.
This is the hip of a guy who, if he were just a weekend warrior, would have problems with everyday living.