Here, everyday folks interrogate top government officials on key issues of the day.
These are everyday folks who look and, sometimes, sound like celebrities, but who rent themselves out for a whole lot less than the real issue.
Occasionally, he opens the doors to everyday folks like me, allowing us to act like pros for a week.
Regular, everyday black folks, no matter where they lived or worked, have talked about these issues for generations now.
She is all things to all people because everyday folk easily identify with her.
Advanced computer technologies are often considered ready to sell to everyday folks once they work reliably most, but not all, of the time.
They do an awful lot more of shuffling around everyday folks these days.
Most of these investors are everyday folks - they could be your neighbors and relatives.
Perhaps your contributors should spend more time explaining what the statistics mean to everyday folk.
"The truth is, followers of Christ are everywhere and everyday folks," he wrote in an e-mail message.