In the past couple of years, Harvard has begun to rein in some of its everyday expenses.
Have your teen watch and learn how you pay household bills, which demonstrates the need to budget for everyday expenses.
It also diverts money that the Mayor might otherwise want to direct toward everyday expenses, from foster care to cleaning parks to picking up garbage.
Companies that are cooking the books have been known to capitalize expenses that are really everyday expenses.
A person given a financial power of attorney may perform tasks like filing tax returns, claiming benefits or paying everyday expenses.
As for saving money on everyday expenses, he recommends negotiating "a win-win outcome" whenever possible.
I sold the Comfortmobile last night to pay for everyday expenses.
They're useful for everyday expenses and can be used over the phone and internet.
America's working families are increasingly squeezed between the rising cost of everyday expenses and falling real wages.
While I had saved for the big bills, I hadn't troubled with the smaller stuff - books, supplies, travel and everyday expenses.