They have almost no other everyday duties, although they may be seen patrolling occasionally.
Always be too busy to notice the things that bring you down and ensure that you have a full days worth of duties everyday.
She looked around the room now, restless, pinned in by the solid walls and the everyday duties of her not-all-that-normal daylight world.
There are lifeguards on duty everyday and it is safe to swim and play in.
Because of this, everybody is disconnected from their everyday duties.
Would a show in praise of police officers discharging their everyday duties be effective as art?
"And during the course of your everyday duties, are you also called upon to identify bullets fired from various firearms?"
Yet it went along with the fulfillment of everyday duty and made no more noise than a grave under foot.
But the admiral had at least forgone his dress wear during their meetings, in favor of what he wore for regular, everyday duty.
I was standing in the kitchen, running through the everyday duties necessary to launch an 8-year-old on a week in third grade.