Here science had seized time, stripped away many of the everyday aspects, and made it like a kind of unsteady, pliant thing.
His studies often were used as a springboard to highlight everyday architectural aspects, pulled from their daily lifelessness and given life.
Yet one should not play down the more lyrical dances that explore the everyday aspects of people's lives.
Corruption is an everyday aspect of life in Azerbaijan, despite regulations prohibiting corrupt activities by public officials and others.
Second, he felt that cognitive psychology had failed to address the everyday aspects and functions of human behavior.
Anti-Establishment debates were common because they touched on everyday aspects of life.
However, it gives all of them a certain common identity in many spiritual and everyday aspects of life.
She compared the show's technique to the process of archeology, which examines the everyday aspects of a culture to determine how it functions.
Some areas must remain to carry on the everyday, gritty and dirty aspects of the shipping industry.
Cai's work, inspired by an interest in traditional Chinese culture and the everyday aspects that defined it, is scholarly and at times politically charged.