At these sessions, some employees have shown concern for his health, asking him to quit his ever-present cigarettes.
One man meditatively lights and smokes an ever-present cigarette.
She stayed for a month, taking every opportunity between drags on her ever-present cigarette to criticize the house, the food and the decor, her hostess said.
What's behind his ever-present cigarette and his white mane of hair?
"You wouldn't want to think about Easter in November," he said, waving an ever-present cigarette.
Neither, it seems, did his ever-present cigarette.
Later an exhausted Mr. Moran sucked on one of his ever-present cigarettes and considered it all.
"All this is very pleasant to me," he said during filming, waving at the bustling crowd of extras and pulling on an ever-present cigarette.
He shoved his other hand in his pockets, and dragged on his ever-present cigarette.
He led by edict and example, except for that ever-present cigarette dangling from his lips.