Also, Japanese automakers had been taking an ever-larger share of the car market, increasing at more than half a percent a year.
Fairly or not, the energy companies have taken much of the blame from those who pay an ever-larger share of income for heat.
The battle reflects the labor movement's hopes - and problems - in dealing with a fast-changing labor force in which legal and illegal immigrants account for an ever-larger share of the working population.
Corporate food processors and middlemen take an ever-larger share.
By contrast, automobiles and domestic airlines were carrying ever-larger shares of the passenger traffic in 1990, however railways still accounted for the largest percentage by far in the OECD.
Even a rebound in the space business seems unlikely to stop chemicals from winning an ever-larger share of investment and management attention.
And after he became a worker, he paid an ever-larger share of state income tax as his income rose.
Record numbers of deaths have become common in recent years with the nation's population growing and including an ever-larger share of elderly people.
Mutual fund sales charges continue to recede as thrifty funds like Vanguard's grab an ever-larger share of the market.
It is, in any case, clear that it is not acceptable that those hauliers that do not comply with the minimum standards should be getting an ever-larger share of the market.