Every game is too expensive, although we demand ever-increasing levels of interaction, graphical fidelity, and length.
Over the years the Humane Society has lobbied the mayor's office for ever-increasing levels of funding to help us meet expenses.
This new span, nearly identical to the first, was needed to accommodate the ever-increasing levels of traffic.
Today, "Capitalism needs us to keep on spending at ever-increasing levels to be and remain capitalism."
Today all of our water has small, but ever-increasing levels of mercury, lead, and other even more poisonous compounds.
In most state budgets, higher education is given a lower priority than entitlement programs like medical care and social services that must be financed at ever-increasing levels.
If an ever-increasing level of heavy-handedness is all the cops and this government have to offer, then this violence could spread.
"The lower sales this year made people realize the extent to which we had been relying on ever-increasing levels of production," Mr. Athanassiades said.
Vinland is distinctly a business enterprise, with wines priced between $5.75 and $7.95, aiming for an ever-increasing level of production.
This approach acknowledges that the managers who make purchase decisions have major, ever-increasing levels of responsibility and often are pressed for time.