They played by the ever-changing rules, stopping at checkpoints for permission to get where they were going.
The administration wants to try him without judicial oversight, under ever-changing rules and without letting him see all the evidence.
It's the others who need help: the ones who struggle with the ever-changing rules and who are often gripped by fear.
Most of them probably despised the waiting and the lines and the inconvenience of the ever-changing rules of security screening.
New York City may be recycling plastic again, but the ever-changing rules of disposal have left many residents befuddled.
Finds Success Chasing Health Care Fraud" (front page, Jan. 23): Medicare's ever-changing rules swallow up resources that should be devoted to patients, not paperwork.
Instead, Al Qaeda Inc. resembled a start-up company struggling to adapt to the ever-changing rules of the new economy.
What makes it better is that the election now has become an extra-inning sports event being played by ever-changing rules more complicated than those of championship bridge.
What is most bothersome, however, are the ever-changing rules.
Just about every block had a team with its own set of ever-changing rules, usually split along ethnic and racial lines, but not always.