How did an ever-changing group of volunteers manage to do it-and avoid being sued out of existence?
He wasn't the same fellow who'd been a part of our ever-changing group better than a year ago.
This is an ever-expanding, ever-changing group, and I might admire different authors at different times, for different reasons.
But the theatre's biggest support comes from an ever-changing group of dedicated and willing individuals working diligently to do whatever is needed to continue bringing quality theatre to the Houston community.
The bulk of the work is performed by an ever-changing group of editors and contributors through the online indexing system on the web site, or through offline submissions.
Her horse handlers were an ever-changing, bitter group of mutilated cavalrymen who'd been lucky enough to get shipped home-to find their lines' land now bought up dirt-cheap by Wheels.
Consisting of an ever-changing group of international programmers and artists, the group claims that its main goal is not to make art but to provide software for artists.
Mr. Nashid also serves as the Muslim chaplain at the County Jail in Valhalla, where he meets with a growing and ever-changing group.
And this unique product is playing in a tournament against an ever-changing group of competitors.
Thereafter Rabinowitz was a founding member of atelier critique, an ever-changing group of artists with a loose, non-hierarchical organisation.