Palmerston eventually steered the bill through Parliament, despite Gladstone's attempted filibuster.
The delegates eventually steered a middle course, increasing the contributions from local churches by 2.4 percent annually for the next four years.
It will also draw from a pool of about 50 trained volunteers who will act immediately as counselors for traumatized rape victims and will eventually steer them toward professional help.
The tale does eventually steer Garoux to an interesting if contrived moral predicament, but the payoff doesn't quite justify the journey.
The crew become more and more shaken at the possibility of losing their souls, and they eventually steer the bewitched canoe right into a tall pine.
Maybe, if you're lucky, a back road will eventually steer you toward the main drag.
Schipa was singing in public by the age of 10, about which time the church took over his intermediate education, eventually steering him toward more study and apprenticeship in Milan.
The differences in their backgrounds and personalities eventually steered them in different directions, starting with their recuperation.
But the resolution that Mr. Khasbulatov eventually steered through Parliament was not unequivocal.
During his tenure, Kellner began by championing urban sitcoms, but eventually steered the network in the direction of teen and family-oriented dramas.