Indian forces eventually responded but failed to retake the village.
Several of these trends may soon run their course, and it is possible that the Court will eventually respond by accepting more cases.
Police eventually responded to calls from members of the public who observed Rigg's "strange behaviour" in the street.
If all goes well, a gobbling male will respond and eventually move within shotgun range.
Vallance eventually responded with "but it feels so right."
He would eventually respond to the other two: How is his injured left leg?
The government eventually responded by imposing a new tax on the Syrian and Turkish trucks.
In the 1980's, particularly after the Reagan tax cut of 1981, cash flow rose much more rapidly than profits, and the stock market eventually responded.
The writer/director became increasingly wary, eventually responding, "Why are you so interested?"
However, she eventually responds and the two spend the night together.