The cantons eventually relinquished their right to print money, run postal services and levy customs duties, giving these to the federal government.
The frog eventually relinquishes his dais, allowing justice, such as it is, to take its course.
In his own words, Wales eventually relinquished "virtually all permissions to actually do things from the 'Founder' flag."
That they would eventually relinquish control to artists like Kira and Thomas seems, as a plot point, highly improbable.
Chapman eventually relinquished his portion to the Finnerty family.
The brothers intend to eventually relinquish personal ownership of the museum and establish a trust fund.
He eventually relinquished control of the team for the season to interim coach Pete Gaudet.
Through the 1980s, Hall's mother managed his career, eventually relinquishing that role to her second husband.
The Sebrights fell on hard times after World War I, and eventually relinquished the estate.
The young woman who occupied the room, a student, he thought, took some persuading, but she eventually relinquished it.