He eventually procures experimental treatment, which fails to save his life.
Similar slicing and dicing was done on contracts belonging to safety Tim McDonald and Plummer, allowing Policy to eventually procure Sanders with a $1.134 million offer.
The first of the twenty-eight TAV-8Bs eventually procured had its maiden flight on 21 October 1986.
She began to sing at clubs and resorts, eventually procuring an engagement at the Blue Angel club in 1950.
Kempthorne was treated well by Papachino, and after the Spaniard was captured and imprisoned in the Tower of London in 1658 Kempthorne repaid the kindness and eventually procured Papachino's release.
He eventually procured a velocipede from Paris and organised a "Velocipede Club" at the Liverpool Gymnasium.
His mother eventually procured a forged Polish passport for him.
August eventually procures Rosie the elephant as Silver's replacement.