Some believe the city now has all the ingredients to eventually match the exclusivity of neighboring Hyde Park.
The techies might eventually match fiber from his clothes to one or more of the crime scenes, but Rudolph is unbelievably careful.
The Bullets eventually matched the offer and kept Grant.
That's a real advantage, analysts say, but one that the other companies will eventually match, so Borland may have a limited window of opportunity.
"If they're willing I could see them eventually matching the share of the Japanese."
The established carriers eventually matched Laker's low fares.
Ion may make adjustments to her lifestyle timing, which will eventually match the player's the longer the game has been played.
Still, Professor Eichengreen said there was no reason the euro's influence would not eventually match the dollar's.
They eventually matched the efforts of the Fujianese a week later, but by then, the spotlight was gone.
My sister's philosophy is that if you shop enough, anything you buy will eventually match something you own.