Inside the funnel, the fluid is further processed through selective reabsorption, and eventually excreted from the nephridiopore.
In humans, as in rats, substantial breakdown of amygdalin occurs in the intestines; however, little breakdown of either intravenously or intramuscularly delivered amygdalin occurs in humans, with most of the intact compound eventually excreted in urine.
The sponges eventually excrete nutrients in a form the corals can use.
He falls into a large pile of mammoth dung, then is eaten by the mammoth, and eventually excreted (or extracted - the scene itself appears as a series of animated cave drawings) from the mammoth when it is finally killed by the rest of the tribesmen.
Fish consume nearly all fruit that fall into the water, and species that are unable to digest the seeds eventually excrete and disperse them into the water.
All three pathways yield final products that are inactive, non-toxic, and eventually excreted by the kidneys.
Water, along with some dissolved solutes, are removed from blood circulation in the nephrons of the kidney and eventually excreted as urine.
Bilirubin is then excreted as bile, which is further degraded by microbes present in the large intestine to urobilinogen, and reabsorbed into the bloodstream, where it is converted into urobilin and eventually excreted by the kidneys.