He eventually excommunicated all who had taken part in it, and absolved all whom it had condemned (including Theodoret), with the exception of Domnus of Antioch, who seems to have had no wish to resume his see and retired into the monastic life which he had left many years before with regret.
He eventually excommunicated Hogan in 1821 and then, like many American bishops in the 1820s, wrested control of the parish from the lay trustees.
Becket eventually excommunicated the king and the king allegedly incited three knights to murder Becket in response.
Innocent eventually excommunicated the couple on 19 January 1216.
The Reist side eventually excommunicated the Ammann side as well.
Trained in theology, he combined his theoretical and practical work in apiculture with his duties as a Roman Catholic priest, before being compulsorily retired by the Church and eventually excommunicated.
Abe eventually excommunicated SGI and all its members in November 1990, alleging doctrinal deviations.
In 1904, the LDS Church issued the Second Manifesto and eventually excommunicated those who continued to solemnize or enter into new plural marriages.
Eventually excommunicated and barred from addressing Orthodox congregations, he was lent an auditorium by an affiliate of the Anglican Mission to the Jews in Bucharest.