Although these attempts were valiant, as with every record they were eventually eclipsed.
The Blazers eventually eclipsed their franchise-record win total from this season with a 59-23 showing in 1989-90.
But its popularity was eventually eclipsed by Scrooge, the 1951 film, after that version began to receive wide television exposure starting in 1970.
It was inevitable that Polar would eventually eclipse him, though he intended to keep his young subordinate penned for several years yet.
Such panoramas were eventually eclipsed by moving pictures.
Private housing in the adjacent suburb of Wendouree closely matched and eventually eclipsed this by the mid-1960s.
Mowrer's interest in clinical psychology was primarily a hobby during the 1950s, but it would eventually eclipse his work as a learning theorist.
Since establishing a home in Britain 25 years ago, his often quiet philanthropy eventually eclipsed his notoriety.
Although the Roman ceremony was initially the most important, it was eventually eclipsed by the German ritual.
Sooner or later, when Tyson is eventually eclipsed by another heavyweight, King will align himself with boxing's new wild goose.