As the company succeeded, a settlement began to form, which was eventually dubbed "Phoenix" after the mythological creature that is reborn from its own remains.
The dog is eventually dubbed the name "Lizard Tongue" by the officers looking for him (due to its long tongue always hanging out its mouth).
These stark differences indicated this fossil must have belonged to a different species, eventually dubbed Homo habilis.
Although she took lessons to perfect her English, her voice was eventually dubbed by Nikki van der Zyl.
The film was eventually dubbed into Tamil with the same name.
The film was eventually dubbed into Telugu as Nene Ambani which released on 17 December 2010.
The paintings that came out of this period were eventually dubbed Miró's dream paintings.
"Our family must have been good at the assimilation game, since we were eventually jokingly dubbed the Engsteins," she said.
Guidelines relating to what later generations eventually dubbed "people skills" have been recorded from very early times.
Eventually dubbed social therapy, the scheme proved both an effective recruiting tactic and lucrative business, generating steady streams of adherents and revenue.