The San Diego free speech fight eventually diminished.
The sale was completed, and the underwriters' losses eventually diminished.
The multiplying demand and strong profits will eventually diminish the pressure for layoffs and cost-cutting.
Such restructuring can eventually diminish a team's flexibility toward the player.
"I think this explains why the tendency to be reminded of something horrific, for example, eventually diminishes."
Which was why he was here, $8,000 poorer and telling himself, like all those who really understand the martial arts, that body pain must eventually diminish.
The congregation eventually diminished and was dissolved in 1967.
His followers continued to protest and call for his release, though the public protests eventually diminished.
The seas provide this fish, but uncontrolled fishing practices will eventually diminish supply and kill off the fishing industry.
These events eventually diminished in number as the rents rose in the area and regulations were enforced.