They glare and stare and scan for other egos who are weaker than themselves, and once found they grab hold of the weaker victim, manipulating and controlling and eventually devouring it, using it to grow and gain more power.
He can't afford it, I can but won't and although, like my friend I have been watching it for years - the time will come where the whole charade of greed will eventually devour itself.
The creature eventually devoured Bizarro, but Superman soon figured out that the creature was not trying to kill the Bizarros, but using their combined strength to defeat another creature which was trying to destroy Htrae.
The whale eventually devours the Planet Express ship and swallows the crew alive (with the exception of Zoidberg, who again returns to Earth in an escape pod).
This engrossing spectacle fascinates the predator who may eventually devour the tail, although it has little nutritional value.
I don't want to live in Victor's jungle, even if it did eventually devour him.
A macrocosmic cancer, spreading from soul to soul, world to world, devouring eventually the entire universe.
Zorak eventually devours his nephew, resulting in a brief memorial slideshow, including a photo of Moltar and Raymond in a bathtub in the middle of a busy street.
Too eager to hate, never realizing our hatred makes us weak, we are open and vulnerable to the evil that will eventually devour us all!