Their brisk pace eventually degenerated into a pathetic shuffling of the feet.
The unrest in the audience eventually degenerated into a riot.
It is from this part that the arms of the adult grow, with the larval arms eventually degenerating and disappearing.
Their recognition of the importance of these earlier Internationals was coupled with a belief that they eventually degenerated.
The scene eventually degenerates into a cross-river shouting match over bullhorns between the officers from the two precincts.
However, the alliance between Francis and Charles soon soured, eventually degenerating into renewed war.
It eventually degenerates into a game of "hunt-and-click", something even novices recognize as inefficient and frustrating.
Things eventually degenerated to the point where the only useful processes left were Terminal and the Dock.
The plantation eventually degenerated into a series of atrocities against the local civilian population before finally being abandoned.
These killings led to growing hostility between the two clans, which eventually degenerated into full-scale overt confrontation in January 2005.