However, with the support of Soviet Union, Sun eventually defected Chen.
Eventually defecting from Passione, Bucciarati leads a group of rogue gang members against the boss, who is revealed to be a man named Diavolo.
Kilman set up a coalition government, which did not include Wango, and the latter eventually defected to the Opposition.
He began to take bribes from the Gulf Cartel while still serving in the military, but eventually defected to work full-time for the criminal organization in 1997.
The wealthier Zoramites eventually defected and united with the Lamanites.
His son Aziru made contact with the Hittite king Suppiluliuma I, and eventually defected to the Hittites.
He never returned to Romania, defecting in 1977 and eventually getting his daughter, Daniela, out.
The remainder of the St. John's players eventually defected to join the new club, in turn making the former defunct.
He was sent to the Eastern Front where he eventually defected to the Russians.
Strachan eventually defected to Cromwell.