The contents eventually burst into flames which ignited the wooden superstructure, blazing quickly out of control.
An infected appendix must be surgically removed or it will eventually burst, spreading the infection within the abdomen.
In short, the current surge in stocks looks like another bubble, one that will eventually burst.
And as that speculative frenzy showed, when markets work properly, all bubbles eventually burst.
Tunes could drag to a near-halt during a particularly sad part, picking up slowly, and eventually bursting into happy song once more.
And the housing bubble will eventually burst whatever we do.
What is available at free-market prices has become unbelievably expensive, confirming fears that the price dam must eventually burst.
She said she sensed there was something about him that would eventually burst.
Yet many investors worry that like other booms the trading bubble will eventually burst when the markets calm down.
Or, just maybe, it was for the same reason that has always existed - that a speculative bubble must eventually burst.