Eventually bankrupting him just before his death that year.
Unfortunately, Colebrooke's speculation had over stretched his finances, which would eventually bankrupt him, and Stewart was equally in financial trouble.
A number of major soviet era enterprises were sold out apiece under the label of "privatization", and all of them eventually bankrupted.
Funding the burgeoning Roman army eventually bankrupted the Empire.
That plan would eventually bankrupt the system, Mr. Gore said.
France may eventually bankrupt itself trying to keep up at both ends of the time scale, but the results here are unusual.
Thomas Lister Parker eventually bankrupted himself due to his various extravagances but not before he had corrupted the historical record.
Drexel was forced to buy the bonds of insolvent and failing companies, which depleted their capital and would eventually bankrupt the company.
But earnings on new loans were lower, creating an income gap that eventually bankrupted some lenders.
The Netherlands was home base for that era known as Tulipmania, when bulb prices eventually bankrupted many private fortunes.