Her daughter got her to join X Factor, and she eventually auditioned in Copenhagen.
She eventually auditioned successfully for commercials roles, later moving on to television and film.
Manson eventually auditioned for Melcher, but Melcher declined to sign him.
When Anderson eventually auditioned for the role, Winkler and Rich felt that he gave the character a human touch which the other actors could not.
She initially was a consultant for the show, but eventually auditioned for and won the role of Tess Westin.
He eventually auditioned for the show and was put through to the quarter-final as one of the top 20 contestants of the season.
Kieren Hutchison auditioned for the role when he was 18 and eventually learned he had secured the role, much to his surprise as he considered his audition "shocking".
She eventually auditioned for the chorus line of band leader Count Basie and was selected.
Mr. Payne, along with the other judges - a record company executive and a music manager - eventually auditioned 2,000 young women in Atlanta, Miami, Dallas, Chicago, New York and Los Angeles.
In 1986, when Chang was 5 years old, she eventually auditioned for and was accepted to the Juilliard School by performing the Bruch Violin Concerto No. 1 in G minor.