While the timing was a surprise, the eventual transition to Mr. Scott as chief executive had been anticipated for more than a year.
The plan, so far, is for an American military commander to run the country alongside a civilian administrator, with an eventual transition to an Iraqi-led government.
The magazine was discontinued before making the assumed eventual transition to PlayStation 3 demo discs.
This may indicate thought at that point was being given to the eventual transition of these characters from one-shots to their own titles.
One intuitive hunch has it that Vanbiesbrouck will start, in part because it would make an eventual transition to Richter smoother if it is necessary.
But the longer you do this, the more difficult it will be for the child to make the eventual transition to his own bed.
She also steered the Company through the closing and liquidation process, and eventual transition to new management (Trinity Place Holdings, Inc.).
This integration resulted in the retirement of the ümobile brand and the eventual transition to Red Mobile.
And eventual transition to a 64-bit program is inevitable.
Preparations for the eventual transition from Tucson High and Roskruge had begun the previous year.