His Angel duly departs with him, promising eventual redemption, and there the poem ends.
The novel follows the Croatian protagonist Josip Lasta through the second world war and the wars of the 1990s to eventual redemption.
In the discount market funds are raised by issuing 'bills', 'at a discount' to their eventual redemption or maturity value.
The natives chanted an eerie melody-at once both dirgelike yet strangely auspicious, as if expressing all their hopes for some eventual redemption.
Which is why most of the Ruf/ Neks who packed for Miami predicted eventual redemption for the Lil' Sis members.
His eventual redemption is thus, in keeping with the times, a form of recovery.
Elias and his followers believe in the eventual heavenly redemption of mankind.
It seemed to many to be one misfortune in a long line of bad luck beginning with the death of Len Bias, but disappointment led to eventual redemption.
The theme of The Filth consists of immersion into and eventual redemption from forces of negativity.
Aalayamani (meaning: TempleBell) is a tale of possessiveness and distrust towards one's partner and the eventual redemption by sacrifice.